Every once in awhile, KnightS* digs up some old games and tries to get this old school feeling again. Just Like SugarLAN V8.0 in 2014 where some old KnightS* players managed to get two first places in Call of Duty 1 and 4 (and the 3rd place with Battlefield 4, to fill the time).
This spring we notice that the Call of Duty 1 community got a new spark of energy with several online tournaments coming up. Some old KnightS* Gaming members didn’t hesitate and went searching for their old CoD1 installation CDs.
Unfortunately, we aren’t 15-year-old boys anymore and only have limited time to practice. This is why we decided to look for more CoD1 veterans to create a fully functional team. We would like to have some fun in cups like CoD1Mania, LSGAMING, d’logics and maybe more.
Looking for players:
So, are you an old school and mature Call of duty player who wants to have some fun playing Call of Duty 1. Join our Discord server and let’s have a chat! Contact Nafy or leave a message if you are interested.