REVIEWS: Airsoft Gear
Here you will find the latest reviews of the airsoft gear the KnightS* Airsoftteam is using. Feel free to ask questions about the gear and leave a comment.
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No Topics
REVIEWS: Airsoft events and locations
Here you will find the latest reviews of the airsoft events and locations where the KnightS* Airsoftteam has been participating. Feel free to ask questions about the gear and leave a comment.
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No Topics
Airsoft Load-out and gear
Topic to show everyone your primary airsoft load-out and gear. Why did you choose for this load-out, gear, brands, types and setup. Convince everyone why you think your load-out is the best! And don't forget the pictures ;)
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8 years, 7 months ago
Airsoft jealousy topic (look what I bought)
Topic to show everyone what recent airsoft goods you've bought. Just show off and spread jealousy.
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8 years, 9 months ago
Airsoft Shops
Looking for a airsoft shop? Take a look at this forum and read about the experience from others who ordered at those shops. Also write what you experienced after ordering at a airsoft shop and give us some feedback.
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8 years, 11 months ago